Cape de Coeur released “The Guardian NFT” earlier this year, a luxurious rainproof cape that has become its distinctive design. Tony Murray and Isabel Martinez collaborated...
Even though Reality Labs, the virtual reality (VR) and metaverse branch of Meta, has just announced its seventh consecutive quarter of losses, CEO Mark Zuckerberg is...
Caduceus, a business that specializes in metaverse blockchain technology, has formed a partnership with the illustrious British athlete Lord Botham in order to create an exclusive...
Tencent is prepared to take the next significant step and enter the expanding market for metaverse products and services. Tencent is in the process of establishing...
The way we interact with property is changing, and NFTs are at the forefront of this change. NFTs have revolutionized the way we buy and sell...
A fuschia Bentley speeds along a twisting desert road toward the Neon Carnival, a Coachella after-party that takes place every year. Paris Hilton is on her...